Just Married Machine Embroidery Design in Three Sizes – Perfect Newlywed Machine Embroidery Design


Want to embroider something for a newly married couple? This is the perfect embroidery design.


Want to embroider something for a newly married couple? This is the perfect embroidery design.

Picture it: a “Just Married” design could be stitched out on a tote bag full of treats and given to a couple for their honeymoon to enjoy after the wedding. Or the design could be stitched out on some kitchen towels and put in a basket with some gourmet treats. Another idea… you could stitch out the design on the back of a hoodie or on a t-shirt for the bride to wear on her honeymoon. So many options…

You will receive the design in three different sizes in this pack:

Large “Just Married” Design – Size: 6.63″ x 4.83″
14227 stitches

Larger “Just Married” Design – Size: 4.91″ x 3.57″
10326 stitches

Smaller “Just Married” Design – Size: 3.87″ x 2.82″
7818 stitches

Stitch Order

1) “Just married”
2) heart

This listing is for a machine embroidery design. You will need an embroidery module on your sewing machine to stitch out this design.

You will be able to download a ZIP file that contains all designs in the following formats: ART, HUS, PES, VIP, DST, EXP and JEF as soon as payment is complete.

If you do not see your specific format listed, please let me know and I can convert the file into your required format.

Please do not share files with your sewing and embroidery friends. Digitizing takes time and creativity. Feel free to sell items you sew that incorporate my executed (stitched out) design. Thank you for respecting my copyright.