Category: Resources

What are Fast Frames?

Fast frames for your embroidery machine

Do you struggle to hoop certain garments? Does it take forever to get a project secure and straight on your machine?  Well maybe it’s time for you to check out Fast Frames. Fast Frames are a hooping system that you literally don’t have to hoop. They come in several different sizes and work with many […]

what is a monogram machine?

Monogram machine: what is it and how does it work?

So you want to start adding monograms to clothing and accessories but not quite sure which type of monogram machine to buy? I get it.  If you are new to all of this, it’s hard to which type of machine you should buy. This is because different types of machines will create monograms, however, these […]

SewWrite review

SewWrite Review: creating text for machine embroidery

Almost every embroidery machine comes with built-in fonts. These are quite handy and useful. But, if you use them a lot, all of your embroidered items may start to look the same. At some point, you will likely crave some fresh and new typefaces. After all, a typeface can add a lot of character and […]

10 free Easter embroidery designs

10 Free Easter Embroidery Designs

Easter is just around the corner which is a great opportunity to but out your embroidery machine. There are so many fun and easy Easter projects. But, if you want to make a few Easter easter projects without spending a lot of money on designs, then you should check out all these useful and FREE […]

SewWhat-Pro review

SewWhat-Pro Review: edit your embroidery designs to suit your needs

You can buy a lot of amazing embroidery designs online and even find quite a few for free. In fact, there are embroidery designs already created for just about any occasion and theme you can imagine. But despite such widespread availability, sometimes the design you find is perfect…. except for one little thing.  Maybe you […]

Best embroidery machines for beginners

Best embroidery machines for beginners

So you are thinking about learning how to machine embroider, but are not even sure where to begin? Well, the first thing you will need is an embroidery machine. But with so many different models on the market, which ones are are the best embroidery machines for beginners? For beginners, I would recommend starting with […]

SewArt Review

SewArt review: more than just an auto-digitizing software

Interested in digitizing but don’t want to spend a fortune on digitizing software? Perhaps SewArt is the program for you. Made by S&S Computing, SewArt is designed to help you convert images (such as JPGs and SVG files) into embroidery file (like PES files) and almost any other embroidery file format. You can also create […]

used embroidery machines

Used embroidery machines: where to buy and should you?

Used embroidery machines can be a great deal and work just as well as their newer counterparts. But, they can also be a risky if you don’t know what you’re doing. So, what should you know before you invest in a used embroidery machine? And where should you go to buy one? Used embroidery machines […]

Brother SE600 Review

Brother SE600 Review: an embroidery / sewing machine for beginners

So, are you thinking about taking the leap into machine embroidery, but don’t know which machine to buy? Consider the Brother SE600. It’s a versatile sewing / embroidery machine that you can get for less than $600.  In this Brother SE600 review, I’ll explain the pros and cons of this machine and how it is […]

what is a magnetic embroidery hoop

What is a magnetic hoop for an embroidery machine?

Have you heard about magnetic hoops for embroidery machine but don’t really understand how they work or if they would help with your embroidery? I get it. Until recently, I had no idea what they were either. But now I’ve seen how a magnetic hoop can be a real game changer for a machine embroidery […]

10 facts you should know before you buy an embroidery machine

What do I need to know before buying an embroidery machine?

So you are interested in an embroidery machine? Do you really know what you are getting into? While an embroidery machine can offer a lot of fun and creativity, it can also be a money pit if you don’t put it to good use. So, before you whip out your credit card to buy an […]

is machine embroidery expensive?

Is machine embroidery expensive?

Thinking about getting into machine embroidery, but worried about the cost?  Yes – an embroidery machine is not cheap. In addition, there are quite a few extra accessories and supplies you will need to actually do the embroidery.  So, is machine embroidery expensive?  And if so – how much are we talking about? And, is […]