Category: Selling Your Work
How to remove embroidery
We’ve already established the fact here that every machine embroidery enthusiast makes mistakes. And when the mistake is really bad, sometimes the best solution is to rip out your stitches and start again. But if you’re new to this game (or you have never made a mistake), you’re probably wondering how to remove embroidery and […]
What is the best embroidery digitizing service?
One of the most common questions that comes up in my embroidery groups and forums is: “what is the best embroidery digitizing service?” I am actually amazed that this keeps popping up again and again because the same handful of digitizing services are always recommended. So, I thought it might be helpful if I put […]
How to charge for embroidery
So now you have an embroidery machine and you finally know how to use it. You are starting to enjoy making gifts for family and friends. But – wait – (insert record screech here) – does it seem like everyone (and I mean everyone) is starting to come out of the woodwork asking you to […]